Opening Reception May 31, 2013: 5-7:00 pm

In the downstairs Galleries: May 31 – July 27

Expressions West 2013

This juried exhibition presents sixty-nine recent paintings by fifty-four
artists residing in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon
and Washington.

Click to see a Slideshow of All Accepted Entries and Winners!

Click here for a Tour of Expressions West

In the Mabel Hansen Gallery: May 31 – July 27

John Hewitt – One Person Exhibition

John Hewitt is a signature member of many prestigious watercolor groups including the Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Watercolor West and Kentucky Watercolor Society. He studied with California master painters Vernon Nye, George Post and Millard Sheets and has taught at College of the Redwoods, Pacific Union College and workshops throughout the West Coast and Europe. In conjunction with his jurying of Expressions West 2013 he will be conducting a workshop at the Museum. Hewitt is represented in our Rental/Sales Gallery.

Click here for a Tour of John Hewitt – One Person Exhibition

In the Uno E Richter Atrium Gallery: May 31 – July 27

One World Mind, Transcending Boundaries: Dušanka Kralj

Inspired by abstract expressionism, Kralj has been painting since 1992. Her work has been published in two books and several articles. This exhibit of conceptual abstract paintings addresses the breaking down of racial/cultural boundaries and the boundaries between viewer and painter. “Kralj’s layered surfaces throw up shocks of intense color that hover on the canvas surface…possessing a depth that speaks to a vibrant inner life of the artist.”

Click here for a Tour of One World Mind, Transcending Boundaries: Dušanka Kralj

In the Clare Wehrle Community Gallery: May 31 – July 27

Works by the Advanced Watercolor Workshop at Coos Art Museum

The Advanced Watercolor Workshop has been a repeating program at CAM for over ten years.

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  1. […] of the great mar­itime exhi­bi­tion, I’d like to call atten­tion to the upcom­ing Expres­sions West 2013 exhi­bi­tion, which will be open to pub­lic view­ing May 31-July 27. This juried exhi­bi­tion […]

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